
2-3 June2022
Sold OutSee you in 2024!

Build Your Own Synthetics Monitoring

Synthetics monitoring is simulating user traffic and behavior on your application. It is essential to proactively detect and resolve outages and poor performance issues before any users notice. In this workshop, you will build your own synthetics monitoring test suite using Selenium webdriver and popular JavaScript testing frameworks. You will learn how to anticipate user behavior, both in all the expected ways and in all the unexpected ways, and build automated solutions to test for it.

About the presenter:

Ben is a second career developer who previously spent a decade in the fields of adult education, community organizing, and non-profit management. He works as a lead developer relations engineer at New Relic by day and is building hirethePIVOT, a reverse job board for career changers, at night. He writes regularly on the intersection of community development and tech. Originally from Southern California and a long-time resident of New York City, Ben now resides near Tel Aviv

This workshop is FREE for every ticket holder of JSConf Budapest 2022.

The workshops have limited seats, so be sure to get your ticket before they fill up! We'll open them slowly, so everyone has a chance to pick a workshop they like.

You will be able to register to a workshop using the ID on your ticket. If will be possible to switch the workshop you've picked later, if there is a free seat available on another workshop.